Home Learning
As a school we understand the importance of regular homework but also the stresses that it places on families in modern socieoty.
It is for this reason that we have kept our home learning package as simple as possible for parents and child in focussing on the very core basics which meed essential, regular attention.
Early Years Foundation Stage
We value parents’ help in encouraging children with their reading and parents are asked to comment in the reading diary.
In addition to reading, children may be set number or word games for homework.
Reading, learning words, number games.
Year 1: Reading, learning words, phonics, number games
Year 2: Reading, spelling / phonics, handwriting, maths.
The children are always asked to read their reading books and practice times tables and spellings. By concentrating on these core tasks, homework can make a significant impact on learning in school.
All year groups also have access to Spag.com, Doodle Maths and EDSHED , but regular daily reading at home forms essential practice and enjoyment time which should also promotre an love and enjoyment of reading. which are all on-line homework to further support curriculum aims.
The class teacher will inform parents as to which night work will be set. We open school up on various afternoons every other half term (where practicable) and invite parents, carers and extended family to look at the work done in school over the term as well as sharing and celebrating homework.
Following the national lockdown in March 2020, schools are now required to provide a Remote Learning Plan. As such, Renishaw Primary School have developed its plan to support those parents whose children are isolating due to COVID 19 restrictions. This plan can be found on the school website. It uses the CLASS DOJO platform to deliver learning as well as supporting the children in their learning and also in contacting families in need of any kind of support.