School Meals
Renishaw School meals are surely the pride of the community with our two cooks Helen and Maria, ready to cater for every child’s needs.
The meals offered are nutritious and fresh produce is used. We're very proud of our service and have achieved the Soil Association Food for Life Catering Mark Silver Accreditation in all Derbyshire County Council primary schools
The award means that we use local, seasonal and fresh ingredients which are free from trans fats, harmful additives and are not genetically modified. We only use UK Farm Assured meat which is better for animal welfare, sustainable sources of fish and free range eggs.
Helen and Maria offer canteen-style service, where the children are served their meal by the schools hatch, in the Dining Room. Our menus are on a 3-week cycle which changes every 6 months. With paper copies given out to all children but if these are mis-placed, you can find the menus vis the link:
Primary meals £3.25
This includes a main meal, dessert and a drink, which is excellent value for money.
Helen and Maria offer 2 choices of main meal, a jacket potato, sandwich, baguette or Pasta Pot aswelll as vegetables, salad, fresh fruit, bread and drinking water are freely available every day. We also cater for allergies and special diets too.
Themed lunches are offered on a monthly basis for all primary schools to create a fun eating experience and to build interest in the food offering.
Kick off a Summer of Sports - May 2024
Euro Lunch 2024 - June 2024
Olympic Lunch - July 2024
Fuel the Day - October 2024
Mindfulness - September 2024
- Reception and Key Stage 1 children are entitled to a free school lunch daily.
- Key Stage 2 children can buy a school lunch for £3.25 a day. If your Key Stage 2 child would like a daily meal, please pay for the meals via Parent Mail.
Cheques should be made payable to Derbyshire County Council and payments should be brought to school in a sealed envelope with the with the child’s name and class number and handed in to the class teacher. If you think your child is eligible for free school meals, please contact the school office and we can supply the application forms.
We also encourage families to eat together and in doing so offer parents/carers/family members to come in to eat with their child every alternate half term at our "Dine with your Child" days which can be booked in using Parent Mail.
Applying has never been easier, we use the Department for Education’s free school meals eligibility checking system, meaning you will receive an instant result notification and the school will automatically be informed.
To apply, you will be required to register and provide:
- your National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service Reference Number
- your family name
- your date of birth
- you may also be required to upload a copy of your benefit document
Find out more about free school meals and Pupil Premium funding.
If you feel you may be entited to FSM please follow the link below-
Bringing food/drink to school for lunch-
Children who do not have a school meal, may bring a packed lunch. Please ensure that packed lunches are brought to school in a secure container labelled with your child’s name.
We ask for a pack lunch to be healthy, with fresh fruit, salad and vegetable options for your child/ren.
The link below gives soem tasty ideas for great lunch boxes-
We ask you to supply a drink but additional water is also available.
Please do not put or send in sweets for your child/rens lunch boxes.
We understand the need for children to drink water regularly so encourage all parents/carers to provide a named plastic drinks bottle with water in for children to use throughout the day and at break time. We recommend water not only from a healthy teeth aspect, but spillages happen and fruit juice makes more of a mess than water.
We prefer water to be brought to school in plastic flasks, bottles or other safe containers.
In the interests of safety, we ask that children do not bring cans or glass bottles.
They should not bring fizzy drinks or sweets.
We encourage a fruit-only policy for snack at break time. All EYFS, Infant and now, Junior children are offered a piece of fruit. We include apples, satsumas, grapes, melon, pineapple, bananas, pears, carrots, etc. There is no need for children to bring their own snack to school.
We ask for no nuts or proucts contatining nuts to be brought into school. Please adhere to this as we have children and staff in school who are severly allergic to nuts. We want to keep everyones best interest and health at the heart of RPS.
If staff do find children with food containing nuts, this will be taken, explaining the reasons and the child will be able to choose an alternative item from the school canteen. A staff member will then contact the parent/ guardian.