Special Educational Needs
Inclusion and SEND Information
Renishaw Primary School
Local Offer – SEND Information Report
School name | Renishaw Primary School |
Address | Hague Lane, Renishaw, S21 3UR |
Telephone Number | 01246 432366 |
Age group | Primary school including nursery (Y3-6) |
Number on roll | 202 |
Number of SEND pupils | 35 |
Number of children with EHCP | 4 1 Pending |
Link to current inclusion/ SEND policy | |
Key Staff |
Mrs Rebecca Jones - SENDco Miss Dawn Ford - ELSA Mrs Rebecca Williams - SEND Governor |
Here at Renishaw Primary School, we ensure that all pupils in our school are equally valued and their different needs are met through equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We use adaptation to meet individual needs and abilities and if a particular difficulty is identified, then special provision will be provided and specific learning programmes may need to be drawn up.
The school Admissions Policy is fully inclusive in that no pupil will be refused a school place because of a Special Education Need or a Disability. Our SENDco (Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator), Mrs Jones work closely with parents and ourtside agencies to gain support and advice from Local Authority agencies such as: CAMHS, Speech and Language specialists, School Health, Educational Psychologists and the Local SEND officers as well as other advisory services.
We take pride in our successful communication between staff in school (teachers, teaching assistants, our Family Support Worker) the children with SEN, parents of SEN children, and the outside agencies. We acknowledge and draw on parents’ knowledge and expertise in relation to their own child. We have an effective review cycle, which allows us to monitor, review and plan accordingly for the next steps in meeting of our SEND pupils.
We are committed to developing the knowledge and skills of all the staff through appropriate training to manage the challenges of the range of needs in the school, and to ensure that all support is of high quality. There is a disabled toilet in all blocks of Renishaw Primary School with ramped areas around the outside of the buildings.
More Able Pupils
It is important to understand what we mean by more able and gifted pupils. More able pupils can be defined as pupils who demonstrate a significantly higher level of ability than most pupils of the same age in one of more of the curriculum areas or in any of the following:
· General intellectual ability
· Specific academic aptitude
· Creative thinking
· Leadership qualities/social skills
· Artistic abilities · Ability in the expressive arts
· Physical ability More able and gifted children are identified through teacher assessment and judgements based on a variety of assessments.
In-class differentiation together with specifically targeted opportunities are used to develop these children to their full potential. At all times the needs of the children, whatever their ability, are catered for through careful differentiation which we encourage the children to challenge themselves with a growth mind-set approach.
Pastoral Care - Nurture / ELSA
Tghe school is extremely fortunate to employ its own Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) - Miss Ford. It is MIss Ford who also runs weekly Nurture sessions to children across the school who require specialist support and attnetion.
Effective pastoral care depends on mutual respect, confidence and understanding between the home and the school. We aim to motivate children through praise and reward for good behaviour, but have a scale of sanctions, which we can use for children who misbehave, if necessary.
The school rules are intended to ensure that the children are safe. We have a detailed policy for Race Equality, which includes a clear procedure for responding to racist incidents.
Copies of the Behaviour Policy and the Race Equality Policy are available on the school website. The school has a detailed anti-bullying policy and pastoral support is given to both bully and victim. If you are concerned that your child is being bullied, please tell a member of staff as soon as possible.
As the school puts so much emphasis on children being ready for learning, we put an awful lot of focus and resources into supporting children’s emotional wellbeing and every class I school has access to targeted Nurture Support from Miss Ford.
Sessions are timetabled in our Nurture Room which gives the children the time, space and opportunity to support the children in learning how to deal with trauma, relationship management and personal mindfulness and well being
Our pastoral care team are always available and are trained to support both you and your children. Pupils who require additional support, have ‘Nurture sessions’ which are delivered by experienced trained teaching assistants. Pupils may have adhoc sessions dependent on the need and requirements of the individual, as we recognise that sometimes children need time to talk or time to calm down and relax before the start of a busy day in school. Parents are always informed if necessary.
- The Equality Act 2010
- The Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Regulations 2014
- The SEND Code of Practice