Renishaw Primary School

Year 4 

Hello and welcome to Year 4. In this important year, children continue to progress in their confidence, knowledge and skills.  Pupils begin to express themselves in more detail through their written work and become more fluent in subjects such as Mathematics and Reading. Throughout Year 4, progress is celebrated together - as a whole class.  Each and every child has a chance to be the best they can be.  Our aim is that all pupils to become confident and resilient learners as they move into Upper Key Stage 2. 

Pupils will take the Multiplication Times Table Check in the Summer term.


Mrs Dixon - (Class teacher)

Mrs Parkin - Round - (Apprentice Teaching Assistant)

Curriculum overview - Long term plan.

Maths in year 4. 

White Rose Year 4 overviewTopics in year 4.

Autumn 1:  How have children's lives changed?

Autumn 2:  Why are rainforest's important to us?

Spring 1:  How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain?

Spring 2:  Where does our food come from?

Summer 1:  Were the Vikings raiders, traders or settlers?

Summer 2:  What are rivers and how are they used?